Policy Submission Insights
Understanding young women and men’s lives across multiple areas: education, career, financial security, health, interaction with Australian society, family and friends, relationship dynamics, sexual wellbeing, and political agency; a whole-of-life picture
Identifying optimal interventions and points of intervention in young women’s and young men’s lives to reduce gender disadvantage and/or perpetuation of gender discrimination
Dissecting factors leading to and deterring young men from engaging in FDSV (family domestic sexual violence), clearly identifying entry and exit points in these cycles
Pinpointing strengths and vulnerabilities within government support systems for gender-related challenges; devising a whole-of-life structure
Creating a model for effective consultation with young women, especially those struggling with multiple disadvantages
Understanding the structure and efficacy of MBCPs
Identifying gaps in current monitoring and evaluation of gender policies. Devising schematics for a tool that would create a best-practice repository for the gender sector
Ecosystem mapping of the gender sector
Proposing measures for economic opportunity to escape cycles of disadvantage and meaningful work to induce positive mental health outcomes
Proposing structures for democratising economic opportunity, fair employment conditions, and job security
Proposing methods for instilling designing your life and active agency philosophies and opportunities among young people